Make Your own baby Food at home using three basic steps

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I have one active toddler and she is such a terrific eater! one of the things that I can credit scores to her terrific eating routines is the fact that I exposed her to a large range of foods including fruits and vegetables once she started eating solid foods. Apples, kale, pear, peas, avocado…you name it, I probably steamed it, mashed it or purèed it several times over.

By the way, making your own baby food is not only cost effective; it is healthier for your baby and can be a lot more convenient than you think. It does however require three vital steps:

· Planning/Preparation· Determination· Follow-Thru


When I was preparing my daughter’s food at home I used a steamer or steamer insert as part of some food preparation. I like to steam foods like broccoli, peas, spinach and carrots to make sure that we are getting the best nutritional value. Boiling can cause nutrients to leach into the water, which is typically thrown away after the food is prepared.

A blender or food processor will be needed if you want to make your own baby food at home. using this tool will not only give you the consistency that you desire but, it will also cut down on meal preparation time (as mashing foods can get quite labor intensive).

Storage containers are also a necessity in buy to make puree’s convenient for feeding and transportable for travel. consider making certain foods puree’s in bulk, freezing the food in ice cube trays, then transferring the “food cubes” into plastic food bags for storage.

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As a parent, if you deem making your own baby food to be crucial then you need to do whatever you can to make it work. keep fresh fruits and vegetables replenished and abundant in your home. keep a grocery list on your refrigerator in any way times so that you can easily add an item to your list once it is finished. You can even make a chart with all of the fruit/vegetable combinations that you would like for your baby to try, a menu of sorts. remember to allow at least 3 days between introductions of new foods to see if there are any allergic reactions.

Follow Thru

When you really think about, there is only a 6-8 month window where you will be preparing your own baby food. even if you do work outside the home a lot of “meal prep” can be done on the weekends or your days off. If you have older kids, get them involved in washing and even peeling or prepping some of the foods. allow this meal planning for your baby to carry over into other areas of your life. There is no reason that the rest of your family must not be eating a lot more meals and fresh fruits and vegetables at home either. stop making excuses, get the tools, plan ahead and make it work.

Lisa Leslie-Williams, Pharm D is a partner and the devoted mother of one active toddler. She swiftly realized after the birth of her daughter that she was not only destined to be a mommy but that her true passion lies in empowering women to live life at home with finesse and style. even as a licensed health care professional, Lisa has spent the last 10 years living and fine tuning her “domestic life style lessons” on budgeting, beauty, family health, entertaining and all things in the kitchen. She shares these lessons and other home management tips as a life style consultant,  a featured contributor and as the author of her blog, The domestic Life Stylist.  Lisa’s blog was voted in the “top three”, in the Circle of mommies top 25 home management blog contest where she has also become a featured contributor.

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To read a lot more articles written by Lisa go to:

Lisa is also the author of the ebook “21 smart ways to save money Now”.

“Empowering women to live life at home with finesse and style”.

Link to this post:Make Your own baby Food at home using three basic Steps


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