Positive pregnancy test now What?

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Συγχαρητήρια! You just discovered out that you have a positive pregnancy test. welcome to motherhood! You are most likely full of a number of different emotions. The feelings of excitement, anxiety, as well as perhaps a bit fear are all normal. If this is your very first infant these emotions may be stronger than ever. Don’t worry, the healthy moms magazine has come up with a listing of what you should do if you see those two pink lines on your pregnancy test.

Early pregnancy is exciting.  This is the time when women can select to tell their liked ones about their pregnancy, or perhaps keep it a trick for a bit while longer.

What to Do When You have a positive pregnancy Test

Schedule an visit with your doctor.

The sooner you see your physician or midwife, the better.  Some physicians may not want you to find in up until after you miss two periods, while others may desire to see you right away.  Make sure you ask when you contact us to routine your appointment.  If you have had pregnancy complications in the past, have a chronic health and wellness condition or are taking prescription medications you should make sure you see your physician right away.

2. celebrate as well as share your news.

Even though you should prevent alcohol, you shouldn’t prevent celebrating.  Go out to dinner at a special restaurant with your hubby or recreate a special date you had in the past to share the news with him.  Do something out of the regular to tell your household as well as friends.   You might throw a celebration or make a video to publish to Facebook announcing your new arrival.

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3. discover as much as you can about pregnancy.

Go to your public library as well as inspect out some pregnancy books.  The Web is likewise a valuable resource to assist you discover more about exactly how your body is changing.

4. surround yourself with supportive people.

Having a support system is extremely useful during pregnancy, particularly if you already have older children.  Your household as well as buddies can assist you prepare your nursery for the baby.  They can likewise assist take care of your older kids when the infant arrives.

5. Take care of yourself.

You should prevent cigarettes as well as alcohol during pregnancy.  Also, make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. eat well-balanced meals as well as make sure you go to every prenatal physicians appointment.

6.  Enjoy being pregnant.

Pregnancy is a joyous occasion. Your body is altering as well as you have a gorgeous gift from God growing inside you. Take pregnancy pictures monthly to document your progress. You will treasure these for many years to come. Συγχαρητήρια!

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